CSR Report 2023: Symphony Solutions Running Towards a Change 
CSR Report 2023: Symphony Solutions Running Towards a Change 
CSR Report 2023: Symphony Solutions Running Towards a Change 

CSR Report 2023: Symphony Solutions Running Towards a Change 

The year 2023 for Symphony Solutions was marked with us continuing our unwavering support for the people of Ukraine caught up in a war of aggression forced on their sovereignty by russia. Our charity initiatives are a result of our strong stance as a company, as well as numerous personal initiatives by Symphonians. 

Symphony Solutions was able to support on company level numerous large-scale projects, from the Stand by Ukraine charity foundation to close cooperation with the Angel Fund and UNBROKEN rehabilitation center. 

We continued providing our support and expertise to RebuildUA. Since the start of the project, 1,314,443+ infrastructure objects were analyzed and added to the database. 

While the focus on Ukraine remains strong, we always remember our global commitment to supporting gender equality, education, and much more. 

Our charity initiatives in Macedonia extended to supporting SOS Children’s Village, an educational initiative for children and teens without parental care, as well as Glas Protiv Nasilstvo charity organization that provides services to women and children who survived gender-based and domestic violence. 

We launched an NFT collection directing all the proceeds towards supporting the women in Ukraine with the NGO Центр “Жіночі перспективи”. 

We prioritized the self-care and wellbeing of Symphonians. A newly introduced Benefits A la Carte program supports Symphonians in their pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, both mental and physical. 

In 2023, we used our athletic affection turning it into a global charity initiative, having launched two charity races Distance for a Difference. Symphonians and their families around the world covered a total of 10,275 km and raised over 600K UAH that were donated to the charity organization “With an Angel on a Shoulder”. 

Read about this and more in our CSR Report 2023

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